Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter I-spy Jar

Here’s my version of an I-spy winter jar.
I saw this idea on The Activity Mom's blog.
What’s in it:

3 buttons,
5 shiny stars,
A plastic mitten,
Tiny bell,
Glitter letters, (W for winter, C for Christmas and S for snow)
Plastic candy cane,
Small spoon with winter sticker,
Three white pompoms,
A piece of gold ribbon,
A piece of garland
And popcorn kernels.

The jar is plastic and some candy came in it originally. I have three of these jars and think they work well for things like this. The candy cane, mitten and spoon were all cake decorations.

Picture of the items.


  1. cool idea, i might have to try this!

  2. You can use smaller items and use oatmeal to make several different kind of jars.

  3. Yeah. I know. You can use rice too and that moves around better than the popcorn, but I thought I'd try it because it was different.


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