Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Administration for Children and Families Headstart’s National Research Conference
Association for Childhood Education International
Center for Childcare Work Force
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
Children's Defense Fund
Community Playthings Resources
Council for Exceptional Children
Division for Early Childhood
Early Childhood News
FPG Childhood Institute
Harvard Education Letter
Institute for Women's Policy Research
Maine Association for Infant Mental Health
National Association for the Education of Young Children
National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education
National Childcare Association
National Institute for Early Education Research
The National Institute for Play
The Ericson Institute
The Growing Years (Parenting Information
The Project Approach
RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers
Voices for America's Children
World Organization for Early Childhood Education
World Forum Foundation
Are Today's Children Screened-in?
Play as Curriculum
The Worksheet Dilemma: Benefits of Play-Based Curricula
Toys that Teach: Making Age-Appropriate Choices
Chopsticks and Counting Chips
The Case for Play
Why Preschool Shouldn't be Like School
Activities & Recipes
20 Play-dough Recipes
Homemade Art Supplies
Moon Sand
Slow Cooked Play-dough
Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8
Where we stand on child abuse prevention
Where We Stand on School Readiness
Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity
Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8
Early childhood inclusion: A summary
Infant-toddler policy agenda
Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families.
Fact sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Early Childhood Research Practice
- YC Young Children
- Childhood
- Journal of Child & Family Studies
- Child Study Journal
- Multicultural Education
- Early Childhood Education Journal
- Journal of Early Childhood Research
- International Journal of Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Research Quarterly
- Developmental Psychology
- Social Studies
- Maternal & Child Health Journal
- International Journal of Early Years Education
Infant Care