The website I chose to look at was European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Many of the issues they are researching are similar to early childhood issues here in the US. Some of their articles include, Introducing children's perspectives and participation in research, Early education for diversity: starting from birth, The influence of play context and adult attitudes on young children's physical risk‐taking during outdoor play, The dynamics of early childhood spaces: opportunities for outdoor play? What's so interesting outside? A study of child‐initiated interaction with teachers in the natural outdoor environment, Togetherness and play under the same roof: children's perceptions about families and The social and cultural contexts of second language acquisition in young children. This journal covers many issues. There are studies on topics ranging from diversity to professional development. I noticed that some of the more recent issues focused on a specific topic. One focused on children between ages zero to three and another covered different aspects of children’s learning outdoors. The other thing I noticed about this journal is that it’s very diverse. There are studies done in many countries and not just the European ones.
Since I’ve already taken the Trends in Early Childhood course, I wasn’t surprised by the things I found on this website. I had already learned that many issues in the field are similar in most parts of the world. One thing that I’ve noticed after talking to my international contacts from the last class and by looking at this website is that they are much more concerned with children having outdoor time. Here in the US, many school age children don’t have recess. Since the journals were mainly talking about younger children, I wonder if there is a push to get school age children outdoors as well. The other thing I have gained from this assignment is another useful resource for articles and information. Here is a link to their most popular articles as well. Click here.
This Messy, Hard, Emotional Work
16 hours ago
Great post! Similar to what you have said, I found issues very similar all over the world. Play seems to be a repeating trend in many countries whether it be inside or outside. The recognition that play is diminishing and needs to be increased is a great step in itself! Thanks for sharing!!!
DeleteThanks for finding this information and reporting on it. I wanted to read this website but had a hard time following the information. One insight I learned from your findings was about children learning outdoors. This sounds very exciting and I would like to learn more. I will go back and look at this website for more information. I am wondering if I can try this same strategy with the students in my classroom. Thanks again!
I am glad that other countries are researching how to get children outdoors more often. It seems in the United States, the push is to limit recess, so the schools can focus on all of the standarized testing. I remember in school, we used to go outside and have a lesson out there. I am not sure if schools still do this.
ReplyDeleteDarcey, It was encouraging to see that they were taking an interest in outdoor play and learning. There is so much that we can learn from the nature around us, and it is discouraging when a child doesn't get to learn from that. I hope that this concern really catches on, everywhere, so that children are given that opportunity to explore and learn about the environment in which they live!
ReplyDeleteDarcey, I enjoyed reviewing your blog. I have neve had the pleasure of having you in any of my groups or classes. Your blog is wonderful and ful of active learning resources..I will share them with my teachers..thank you for taking time to make them available. Looking forward in sharing our ideas on the subject of diversity.
ReplyDeleteYours for Children;
Deborah Jones