Monday, August 30, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you to Tonya from, Room to Grow: Making Early Childhood Count! for the versatile blogger award.

This is going to be hard to do but I have to come up with seven things about myself to share.

1. I don’t have kids, but I have two spoiled ragdoll cats named, Diamond and Mellow.
2. I lived in the same house from when I was born until I was 21.
3. My dream job would be a seal trainer or working with polar bears.
4. I collect unicorns of all types whether it be glass, plush, etc. I have unicorn everything.
5. The food that I really can’t stand is raw tomatoes, but I’ll eat pizza sauce or catsup. People argue with me about this, but they do taste very different!
6. I’m only about five ft tall.
7. I love making pottery and made lots of creations throughout high school. Some day, I’ll get back to it again. />

Now, I have to pass this award along to fifteen blogs that I've recently discovered.
here are the blogs in no particular order. These blogs have great activity suggestions and are fun to follow. I can tell that these people enjoy being either moms, early childhood educators or both. There are lots of great blogs out there.

Room to Grow: Making Early Childhood Count!

Crunchy and Green
The Activity Mom
Chasing Chereos
Counting Coconuts
Let's Promote Play
Learning Is Child's Play
Teach preschool
The Picky Apple
Parenting Ideas that Fly
Childhood 101
We Know Babies
Irresistible Ideas for play based learning
Teaching Tiny tots
What Do You Do All Day


  1. Darcey, Thank you so much for including my site on this list! I'm honored! Yes, I love being a mom and am also passionate about helping other parents as an educator. It took me a LONG time to figure out what I want to do with my life, feels great to finally be on-track.

    The pottery sounds safer than the polar bears, but can see why you'd like both.:) I'm glad our paths have crossed!

  2. Hey Darcey thanks so much for the award! I see we are keeping some exceptional company here ... that's really humbling WOW!
    Donna and Sherry :) :)

  3. Congratulations on your award! And thank you SO much for passing it on to me, too. :)

    I've had a moment to look through some of your posts - you are doing some wonderful things here! I'll be back!


  4. Thanks, Mari-Ann. Come back any time.

  5. Hi Darcey,
    I love Tonya too! She is one of the very first blog/twitter friend I made:)You are so sweet to include me in this amazing list of blogs - it is quite an honor:)


  6. Your welcome, Deborah. It's funny. I found you and Tonya on twitter around the same time.


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