If I had to evacuate and go to a foreign country, choosing only three items that represent my family culture would be difficult. First, I would bring my Ipod. I use my Ipod to communicate with family and friends, listen to music and many other things. My Ipod contains many important photos and audio recordings that I’ve made. I have photos of my pets, family and children that I’ve worked with. There are many memories on my Ipod. The other reason I would bring it is because it has many purposes. The second item I’d bring is a photo album that my mom started for me when I was a kid. It was a Christmas present one year and it contains old family photos, photos of childhood trips and I’ve added photos over the years. It represents my past and memories of family. The third item I’d bring is my favorite unicorn from my collection. I’ve been collecting unicorns since I was young and I would bring one that I’ve had for many years. It would be comforting to have something familiar in a strange place. It would be a reminder of my past. I think it’s important to keep something that I like with me so I don’t lose parts of my old identity. Even though the unicorn doesn’t represent my family culture, it’s important to keep something with you that represents you as an individual.
If I were asked to keep only one thing out of the three, I would probably choose the Ipod because it holds all the photos, music and recordings. Those are memories I would not want to lose. Honestly, I’m still not sure because it would be hard to part with the photo album and the unicorn.
Choosing three items was difficult. My first reaction was to bring our pets because I consider them family. We have two cats, a dog and two guinea pigs. It would be difficult to leave them behind. When I looked at the directions of the assignment, it said that you could only bring three small personal items. It would be a challenge to bring pets to another country though, but they depend on us for everything they need. I would not want to leave them, but I would have memories and photos of them that I could take. It wouldn’t be the same though as my pets are there unconditionally when everyone else is not. I definitely would not want to have to make these decisions.
This is Why Babies Belong Everywhere
23 hours ago
Technology is an important part of many cultures. My kids are learning so much about it and are so good at it! I upload all of my photos to a share site to try to avoid losing them. Photos are so important to me. Great post!
ReplyDeleteDarcey, I enjoyed your post...I agree it is a very difficult decision what to choose in a situation like this..it is very thought provoking.
ReplyDeleteYours For Children;
Darcey, I enjoyed your post..I agree that making decisions like this is very thought provoking, Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYours for Children;
Pets become part of he family cutlure. Each one has their own personality and specail bonds are made with them as well. I would have a hard time leaving our pets behind as well. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI had never really thought about our Ipod! That would be the best way to keep everything that I cherished most. I too would have problems leaving my pets behind. They become such a major part of your life that it would be a horrible feeling to know that you had to leave them behind and survive on their own. Great post!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about my pets as well. It would be hard to leave them. It would also be hard for me to leave so many other items that I treasure behind. I also would have chose to take my iPod. I am a music lover, and it really represents who I am. I enjoyed reading your post. Thank You.